2010年10月20日 星期三
NBAA: Piaggio embarks on 'new phase' of jet development
Piaggio said today it has embarked on a "new phase" in the development of its planned jet by beginning to line up partners and suppliers.
Although a formal launch by the Italian manufacturer - which makes the Avanti II twin pusher - remains some time off, partners are "very enthusiastic" about the programme, chief commercial officer Giuliano Felten told a press conference this morning.
Piaggio has also announced that the 203-strong fleet of Avanti II and its Avanti predecessor has passed the 500,000 flight hours milestone.
2010年10月19日 星期二
NBAA: Piaggio upbeat at show despite halving of deliveries from 2009
By Murdo Morrison
Piaggio remains upbeat at NBAA despite saying it will deliver only 12 Avanti IIs this year, half last year's total. The Italian airframer - which is majority-owned by Abu Dhabi investment house Mubadala and Indian industrial group Tata - says a policy of reducing output and only building to order has kept it in good financial shape.
"We have no whitetails," says John Bingham, president of Piaggio America. "Unlike some of our competitors, we have not had to distress market aircraft."
Eligio Trombetta has also joined the Genoa-based manufacturer from fellow Italian company Alenia Aermacchi as general manager, as Piaggio moves towards development of its first jet.
Piaggio also announced at the show a partnership with Italian luxury yacht builder Benetti to jointly market each other's products. Benetti is displaying a model of its new Vision 145 motor yacht on the Piaggio booth.
2010年5月8日 星期六
Piaggio nears jet launch decision
Business & GA
Chief executive Alberto Galassi is adamant that the Italian manufacturer, backed by its Indian and Emirati shareholders will "wait until the time is right".
The company that is part owned by luxury carmaker Ferrari and bears its prancing horse logo on the aircraft, is learning lessons from the automotive industry and, Galassi says, from the mistakes of others.
"We are waiting because we want to wait. Who wants to hear about a new airplane, take orders and then wait 10 years for delivery. You don't see Ferrari announcing a new model and then spending years developing it. Ferrari designs the car, builds it and then launches it. I want us to be close to first flight and with the latest technology before we tell people about it."
Stories that Piaggio has been planning a jet version of the Avanti have been rife for nearly four years, but now Galassi says the plans are in place.
© Piaggio |
"We have our shareholders [Abu Dhabi's Mubadala and the Anglo-Indian Tata Group] in place and we have our shareholders' commitment," Galassi says. "Both the chairman of Mubadala and Mr Tata have had input and made us think again about the size, the range and the type of aircraft we need for a global market. Their involvement is about a lot more than cash. They both bring a passion for aviation and that shows in what we are doing.
"I promise you one thing, this is a beautiful aeroplane. You would not expect anything more from Italian style and Ferrari. It costs the same to design an ugly aircraft as it does a beautiful one. So we have the beautiful one."
Piaggio is gearing itself up for the expansion. Building work will start in the next two months on a Greenfield 130,000m2 (1.4 million ft2) engineering and subassembly facility at Villanove d'Albelga, which will replace the ancient 70,000m2 plant at Finale Ligure. An area at the main facility at the Genoa headquarters that used to house the P66 line is now empty and Galassi confirms that the new aircraft will be assembled in Genoa.
Until the new aircraft is unveiled, Piaggio is stepping up efforts to market the twin-pusher Avanti II and brings an aircraft fitted with the new Nordam interior to Geneva.
Sales have increased dramatically since the Ferrari family became involved in the Piaggio business. Only 32 of the Avanti I aircraft had been sold in the 14 years before the carmaker's family trust under the leadership of Piero Ferrari stepped in. The upgraded Avanti II with Rockwell Collins Pro Line 21 avionics and Pratt & Whitney Canada PT6A-66B engines, certificated in 2006, has seen demand leading to aircraft number 200 now on the line in Genoa. Production stepped up to 30 units a year and will remain there through 2009. Plans to increase production to 38 have been shelved during the current global financial crisis - but one thing that will not be cut back is the $7.19 million price tag.
"Manufacturers should not be cutting price," says Galassi. "That is another thing we learned from the automotive industry. If you have a quality product you should not discount. You can never get the price back. This industry needs to stay firm and hold its nerve. It will come back and people will pay the right price. It is a business tool and a necessary one. It is not just a rich person's play thing.
© Piaggio |
"Enzo Ferrari taught me one thing - always manufacture one less than the customers want, that makes them want it all the more. Business aircraft are the same."
The team at Piaggio is very confident that current market conditions play into the hands of the Avanti. "We have the right plane for the wrong times," says Galassi. "At a time when executives are nervous about being associated with jets, we can provide a jet performance at a fraction of the cost that pleases the shareholders and doesn't diminish from the levels of comfort or practicality that executives need.
"If the case for business aviation existed before, then it exists now. I don't like seeing the attacks on the jet manufacturers. It is like a witchhunt. Companies that used jets for long haul flights, say across the Atlantic, should continue to do so."
The Avanti's cabin is similar to that of the Dassault Falcon 50 and has the feel of the midsize jet about it. The pusher engines are so quiet that it sounds quieter than a jet, and certainly quieter than other turboprops. The fuel savings are as much as 40% over a jet aircraft of similar size.
"Our operating costs are less than for an entry-level jet," says sales director Fabio Sciacca. "We can also operate in smaller fields and tougher runways."
The Piaggio link with the Ferrari brand has extended as a sponsor of the Formula One racing team. Indeed the driver's championship trophy acts as a vase in the Piaggio boardroom. Former world champion Michael Schumacher was a great fan of the Avanti, Felipe Massa even more so as he has become a customer of the manufacturer. "With a range of almost 1,500 miles it is ideal for getting between race tracks," Sciacca says.
And if Galassi - backed by their passionate investors - has his way, Massa and team may soon be able to travel the world with the new Piaggio jet.
2010年4月21日 星期三
企業是否需要商務飛機?身為企業主的您,可能還不瞭解商務飛機的價值,或是您的股東人並不瞭解?Sino Avanti團隊已完成美國商務航空最具權威的報告-「商務航空白皮書」的中文翻譯,將提供給每一位思考提升企業效率的企業主參考,歡迎您索取。
請來信與我們連絡: info@sino-avanti.com
提要(Executive Summary)
- 提高與客戶的接觸,並加速交易的達成,以增加企業的收益呢?
- 收益的增長是否大於使用商務飛機的成本呢?
- 使用商務飛機,是否讓企業充分利用固定資產及如頂尖人才的無形資產,全面提高資產使用效率?
- 使用商務飛機,是否因為和客戶有更多的面對面接觸,而提升客戶滿意度?
- 使用商務飛機,是否因工作環境的改善,而提高員工的滿意度?
顧問公司研究小組,對標準普爾 500強企業,根據產業分類,對8年間的企業表現進行數據收集。排除部分無法產生明確對照的產業,及無法取得充份資訊的企業。最後的樣本數為,14項產業類別,335間不同企業。其中,214間企業擁有企業用飛機,而121間企業未擁有企業用飛機。
顧問公司研究小組,投入了大量的關注,以了解企業間對使用商用飛機的使用戰略。我們也詳細研究企業在使用商務飛機,相關於財務和非財務的得益,細化至企業使用商務飛機的飛行任務。我們制訂了「利用 - 效益 - 股東價值」框架,簡稱 UBV。
在我們研究的標準普爾 500強企業,自1992年到1999年,使用商務飛機的企業,較未使用商務飛機的企業,取得超過 141%的累計收益表現。據研究團隊和各企業財務長的採訪,商務飛機在今日快節奏的商業環境,在重要的領域,大幅提高企業的效能(例如,發展新策略夥伴關係及組成策略聯盟、抵達重要會議及完成交易、進入新市場,並增加與客戶的聯繫)
對於在短暫經濟放緩的1995年後,開始使用商務飛機的企業(共32家標準普爾 500強企業)的研究分析發現。開始使用商務飛機的企業,在1995年至1999年,在股東回報上,達到343%,而未使用商務飛機的企業,股東回報僅達到 177 %。此外,開始使用商務飛機的企業,在股東權益報酬率(ROE),開始使用商務飛機的企業在1995年前落後未使用商務飛機的企業,於研究期內,卻超過了未使用企業3.6 %。
最後,開始使用商務飛機的企業與長期使用商務飛機的企業進行比對,開始使用的企業,在維持最好的資產效率。在研究期間內,未使用商務飛機的企業的銷售資產比下降7.5 %,而使用商務飛機的企業,僅下降0.1 %,但開始使用商務飛機的企業,銷售資產比卻增長3 %。
主要是商務飛機,增加企業靈活的機動性,提高企業組織靈活性、知識整合和縮短交易完成的時程。在與CFO的訪談發現, 客戶、供應商和關鍵員工,都反應商務飛機的正面影響。
2010年4月20日 星期二
Avanti II的航程
Avanti II - 寬敞的客艙
因為前翼構型的設計,Avanti II的主翼在客艙後面。
但Avanti II的主翼在客艙後面,比雅久工程團隊,就好好利用空間了。
在商務飛機裡,有個很重要的選項,就是客艙裡可不可以站得直?(可站直客艙 Stand-Alone Cabin),站不直的客艙,要鑽進飛機坐好,還挺辛苦的。飛行時間久,想伸個懶腰都伸不直!
不論是執行長和客戶去打球,或是技術團隊帶器材去支援客戶。Avanti II除了客艙內的收納空間外,還有一個外部擷取的行李艙。
超省油的Avanti II
但是Avanti II開始成為飛機界開始注意的重點,是從油價開始向上飆漲開始。
6到8人座的商務飛機,是歸於中型商務飛機,Avanti II可以搭乘6到8名乘客(看機主的選項而不同),但是燃油量卻是中型噴射商務飛機的一半。甚至比超輕型商務飛機(Very Light Jet/VLJ),還要低下一點,但VLJ只能搭乘4名乘客。
在歐美,機主們對如何維持商務飛機很明白,也就是我們所說的smart owner。但在亞洲,計劃購買商務飛機的機主,可能先有「擺譜」的衝動。
我們姑且不論飛機的售價,對於有能力購買飛機的私人和企業,在油價低時,看不出Avanti II的優點。但是在油價高的時候,不管多有錢的私人和企業也吃不消,只得把飛機擺下來。對於Avanti II的機主們,反而可以從容地飛行!